Reiki Energy Healing
This beautiful form of energy healing originated in Japan with Dr. Mikao Usui. Over the last century, it has become widely accepted as an effective form of alternative healing in the West. The word Reiki comes from the Japanese word (Rei) which means “Universal Life” and (Ki) which means “Energy”. There are many other words from all different lineages that have been used throughout time to describe the energy that flows through and around everything in the natural world. Prana, Qi, Universal Life Force Energy, and Spirit are just to name a few.
Reiki is a very gentle and non-invasive form of energy healing, in which the practitioner’s hands are placed just off the body or lightly touching the body. In the case of virtual healing sessions, Emily uses distance energy healing to send Reiki energy to wherever you are in the world. As a Reiki practitioner, Emily is a vessel of healing energy and does not view herself as an energy manipulator. She opens herself up for the life force energy to flow through, knowing that the energy will move through each client in the way that is most healing for their physical body, energetic body, heart, and mind.
Reiki helps to create deep relaxation for the body, mind, and spirit, which helps the body’s natural process of healing itself. Emily has a strong belief that each individual has the power to heal themselves and guides each client to actively participate in their own healing process through the use of meditation and visualization techniques.